Although the Smartroller has been available for awhile, this site is the result of the immense support I have received throughout the development of the Smartroller products. I have many family members, friends, colleagues and patients to thank for their time and continual feedback. Much of what I have learned, I have learned from you.
Smart Trends is the page where I will post blogs, exercises, neuroscience articles and the latest trends that I would like to share with those who are interested.
Please check back from time to time so you will not miss anything and we can keep you updated.
With much gratitude,
Stacy Barrows
PS the greatest satisfaction I have had is seeing my dad use his Smartroller. Here is his statement if you can trust a father to be objective:
“I’m an eighty-two year old avid golfer that has been playing for over fifty-six years. I’ve seen hundreds of pieces of golf equipment gimmicks come and go. The one I count on is called the “Smartroller®” that I have been using for the past five years. I realize it’s not a piece of golf gear per say but a patented therapeutic foam roller that I use daily which keeps my back in alignment and me on the course. I’ve shot my age twenty-seven times since I’ve been using the Smartroller and feel my game is getting better. I realize you still have to make the shots but the Smartroller keeps me in the game.” Bill Haney, Glendora, CA.